We have incresed the number of Cardiovascular screenings. We now host a screening ever month at a New Directions Hoiusing Facility.
Once every 3 months we host an additional screening in the community. Our next in Feburary will be at the Healing Place.
2022 was a big year for our Health Equity Center. We provided 629 visits - serving 215 patients.
In the Clinic in 2022 we were able to provide:
5024 total patient visits/ serving 1945 patients. 886 new patient visits.
2193 follow up visits - serving 1247 patients.
1316 testing procedures preformed for 926 patients
90% of our patients come from other non-for profit clinics.

80% live at or below the 200% FPL, 20% are uninsured.

20% speak a language other than English.

Over 70% come from traditionally marginalized communities.

We couldn't do this without our volunteers who have now logged over 20,000 volunteer hours. In 2022 alone provided 2654 total volunteer hours. You all are incredible people thank you so much for making Have a Heart.
As we celebrate our 15 year anniversary we hope for an even bigger year.